Orrick Johns-Little Things

Little Things

THERE\'S nothing very beautiful and nothing very gay
About the rush of faces in the town by day;
But a light tan cow in a pale green mead,
That is very beautiful, beautiful indeed...
And the soft March wind and the low March mist
Are better than kisses in a dark street kissed...
The fragrance of the forest when it wakes at dawn,
The fragrance of a trim green village lawn,
The hearing of the murmur of the rain at play—
These things are beautiful, beautiful as day!
And I shan\'t stand waiting for love or scorn
When the feast is laid for a day new-born...
Oh, better let the little things I loved when little
Return when the heart finds the great things brittle;
And better is a temple made of bark and thong
Than a tall stone temple that may stand too long.

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