
Poniższy kurs jest opracowywany we współpracy z warszawską szkołą językową TFLS (Testing and Foreign Language Services), oferującą kursy języka angielskiego na najwyższym poziomie.


The letter always occurs in Question 2. The question usually provides a letter and some information which are the basis for reply. Below you will find a sample letter and a set of suggestions on how to tackle this kind of task properly.




You work for Mr John Wallace, a flower, fruit and vegetable grower of Creasey's Farm, Cold Aston, Gloucestershire, GL99 90K.

John Wallace says to you, "I have just received this letter. Will you please draft a reply to it under my name? Tell Mr Horner that I agree with what he says. I am looking forward to meeting him personally and hope we can finalise our deal. Now let me see. Yes, I'll drive one of the cars to meet him - it should take me just over an hour to get to Cheltenham, pick him up and return here. Check the vehicle allocation chart for that day and  tell Mr Horner the licence number to look out for. I must dash now as I've got to see Mr Legg of Applecart Farm in twenty minutes' time."

Using the vehicle allocation chart to help you, draft the appropriate letter.


Horner's Stores

1 Tattoo Road




29 February 1992


Mr John Wallace

Creasey's Farm

Cold Aston




Dear Mr Wallace


The four shops that I am setting up in Gloucestershire as part of my expansion plans will be opening on 2 April. You will recall our telephone discussions about your supplying them with your products. I thought it would be pleasant if we could meet personally to finalise everything and get to know each other.


If you agree, and it is convenient for you, I could call to see you on Monday, 9 March. I could arrive by train at Cheltenham Station at 10.30am (if the train is on time!) and wonder if you could arrange for me to be met there? I should be delighted if you can manage this, but I shall understand if it does not fit in with your plans. If not, perhaps we could arrange to meet another day. I tried to telephone you about this three times today but could not get through.


I look forward to your reply and, eventually, to meeting you.


Yours sincerely



Edward Horner




Vehicle Allocation Chart - JOHN WALLACE - Monday, 9 March 1992



Registration Number





E172 LDD


All day



E173 LDD





E174 LDD




E175 LDD


9am - 2pm



G444 NDD


9am - 10am





10.45am - 3pm








G578 NDD

Ham Farm

8.30am - 10am





11.20am - 5pm



H666 LDD


9am - 10am





11 am - 1 pm





1 pm - 5pm





Sample Answer:




Creasey's Farm

Cold Aston


GL99 90K


3rd March 1992


Mr Edward Horner

Horner's Stores

1 Tattoo Road




Dear Mr Horner


Thank you for your letter of 29th February 1992. A personal meeting to finalise details is an excellent idea! I will meet you myself at 10.30am on Monday 9th March at Cheltenham Station. The car I will be driving has the registration number G578 NDD.


Please can you confirm these details with my secretary?


I look forward to meeting you.


Yours sincerely




p.p. (your signature)

John Wallace (Dr.)

Managing Director






Below you will find some useful hints on how to tackle this kind of task successfully:


  1. In this question you are asked to reply to a letter which has been received by the company for which you work. You are also given some extra information. You will need this extra information to write an adequate reply to the letter. Read the question in this order:

    1. the instructions

    2. the information below the letter

    3. the letter itself

The instructions at the bottom of the question normally read "Draft the appropriate letter" or "Write the correctly laid out reply".

  1. The letter you are given in the question paper will always be laid out correctly. Use this correct layout, as well as the information in the letter, to help you write your own answer. Below you will find the indispensable parts of a normal layout of a letter:


your company address: top right hand corner

date:                            top right hand corner below sender's address

name and address

of recipient::                beneath date on left hand side

correct salutation:       Dear (name) - if you know the person's name • Dear Sir/Madam – if you don't know the person's name • Dear Sirs - if you are writing to a company or organisation

complimentary close: Yours sincerely after "Dear (name)"

                                    Yours faithfully after "Dear Sir/Madam" and "Dear Sirs"

signature:                    • use the letters p.p. before your signature if you are asked to "write a letter under my name" or "sign it on my behalf"

                                    • leave a space if you are asked to "draft a letter ready for my signature"

                                    • use your own signature with your title (Mr, Ms, Dr etc.) in brackets after it and your position in the company if you write on your own behalf

name:                          printed name of sender

position:                       beneath printed name


  1. The letter is usually a reply to a given letter and information. Ask yourself: “What does the recipient want to know?” and then identify the relevant information.

  2. Remembering the reader and his expectations list the points you intend to make in your reply and decide on the order in which you wish to make your points. It is a good idea to group the information according to theme and present it in a logical order (from general to specific).

  3. Decide on the tone you wish to employ. This should be polite in all cases: rude letters, even when written with very good reason, will annoy the recipient and produce no ot


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